Our Story +Our Vision+Our Mission=You
About Us

Our Story
During TrueWest's growing years, I worked for several companies to help make ends meet. During my employment I was able to participate in and observe their company Safety Management Programs. Even with the daily meetings and employee safety observations, there was a need for an effective way to promote safety full time in the workplace and at home. (Your employees safety is important at home as it is in the workplace, Employees injured at home may need to be temporarily or permanently replaced at work ).
TrueWest Safety was started with a simple goal, to make Safety part of your COMPANY'S CULTURE. TrueWest Safety can provide you with (Colorful Posters, Stickers & Magnets, and Safety Gifts), to give you a strong visual SOLUTION for your Safety Management Program.
Our Vision
​ TrueWest will team with your business (large or small) to reduce and eliminate accidents. Workplace and Home Safety needs to become part of your COMPANY'S CULTURE. This can be accomplished with increased awareness and motivation.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to fulfill your needs to achieve a Safe and Productive workplace.
Our line of products are colorful and are sure to increase Safety Awareness. TrueWest has quality products to promote and reward safe and productive behavior.
TrueWest will work with you to provide you a Cost Effective Solution so you can achieve your Company's Goals.